Our Promise


Promises To Keep Us All Safe + HEALTHY

A top priority of ours is - and always will be - the safety of our restaurant community and customers. For our reopening, we have implemented new safety measures and will follow state regulations to protect one another.

To help ensure everyone’s healthy & safety as we welcome you back, let us make the following promises:



All team member will wear face coverings and gloves as required and wash hands frequently.

Tables will be a minimum of 6 ft. apart and will not be pre-set with condiments being available upon request.

We have hand washing stations and sanitizer for everyone.

All team members have passed a health screening before working each shift.

Our team will clean and disinfect the common areas and high touched area frequently.

We promise to seat you at a spic & span table to enjoy your meal at!


By entering, you agree to follow social distancing & sanitary guidelines for everyone’s healthy & safety.

By entering you are also pledging that you are not exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 including: fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, or have been in known close contact with someone who has COVID-19 or is presenting any of these symptoms.

Face coverings will be worn at ALL times, except while eating or drinking.

If you cannot enter for any reason or are concerned about contracting COVID-19, please use one of our contactless delivery options: Doordash OR Call For Pick-Up!

Thank You